Thursday, April 23, 2020

List some random acts of kindness that you’d like to see other students try - from blogging ideas

Random acts of kindness.

First off before I start, what is kindness? Kindness is an amazing thing in this world and what we share with everyone! Kindness can help someone or being nice to them etc, just know that everyone deserves kindness no matter what as you may not know what their going through. Sometimes you don't even realise you're being nice to them.

1. Say Something Nice To Someone,
first off you should say something nice about one of your friends or family.

2. Join In With Family,
don't stay in your room all day playing video games, on your phone. Go outside and encourage your family to play with you or cook, play board games or watch a movie!

3. Massive Sleepover,
as this may relate to join in with your family I just thought it would be fun to include this. Massive sleepovers are always nice to have once and awhile with your family or you could do allnighters with your friends on your device. Talking about what you've been doing lately or something like that!

4. Make Breakfast,Lunch,Dinner,
If you feel like it make something to eat for your family! See what kind of creations you can make with ingredients at home.


  1. Hello, Evelyn! I am an #stubc commenter and English teacher Daira Ruta from Latvia (Northeastern Europe). I love your suggestions and I thank you for taking the initiative to share these. I think your idea about the family sleepover sounds like fun. Do you have a big a family? However, as an adult, I can tell you that staying up all night would be an impossible task for me. I do love the idea of more family time. My daughter and I did geocache-geocaching for the first time yesterday. We live in a rural environment and had to ride our bikes 3 kilometres to get to some amazing little ancient cemetery, where searched and luckily found the little canister. We are going to do this again tonight, but we will have to ride 4.5 kilometres there! It is hard because some of us still have work to do and so even at night I should be doing more work, but the family time is priceless. Maybe family's or even friends can play/make a geocache game. Leaving things places and then writing clues and others have to find them. It can be done with social distancing, too. Okay! Take care!

    1. Hello, bike rides sound like a great activity to do during lockdown! Bike rides are fun and a great exercise for you and your family and I hope you do enjoy it! Yes I do have a big family, I have a total of nine family members in my house every single day so I keep busy most of the time. Thank you for checking out and commenting on my blog.

  2. Great topic choice Evelyn! At a time like this I think kindness is especially important. I like your suggestions, especially having a massive sleepover and making lots of tasty meals! How many of these four suggestions have you done while in lockdown?

    1. I have actually done all of these! They were really helpful activities especially when I got bored and I have enjoyed doing them.


100WC Week 7!

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